The following classes are offered at TDC:
Ballet - Jazz - Tap - Hip Hop - Technique - Innovate - Cheernastics - Pom - Acrobatics - Clogging
Contemporary - Lyrical - Creative Movement - Technique & Tricks - Mini Gym - Improv
If you would like to see a certain class, please contact us!!!
We teach ages 2 and up!
Please come in or call for availability and schedule inquiries.
When you come in we will be able to find a class to suit your needs or we can get you added to a class waitlist.
Once we have 4 dancers on the waitlist, we will open another class!
Thank you for your support and patience!
Thank you for being a part of the TDC Family!
2024-2025 Monthly Rates​
Your Recital Costume & Spring Pictures are included
​1 hour week $82
2 hours week $154
3 hours week $220
4 hours week $283
5 hours week $338
6 hours week $385​
Tuition is 10 months (August - May)
If your class does not have a recital costumes or pictures:
30 minutes: $45
​1 hour week $55
1.5 hours week $95
2 hours week $110
Twirlz & Toez Rates
AcroDance $45 per month (meets weekly)
Twirlz & Toez Ballet/Tap or JazzHop $68
Twirlz & Toez Ballet/Tap and JazzHop $105​
If you are enrolled in at least one Twirlz & Toez class, you can add Acrodance for an additional $25 per month
Private Lessons vary depending on faculty member, please call for rates.
TDC Competition Dancers have a unique payment plan. These rates do not reflect that.
Tilt Dance Company (TDC) seasons runs from August to June. Summer sessions vary from year to year. New students can enroll until Feb-March timeline. Starting then, we have to close enrollment so recital preparation can begin. Enrollment is on a first come, first served basis. To keep the quality of our company’s dance education top-notch, we do close classes once they reach a certain capacity. If a class is closed, students can sign up on a waiting list and they will be contacted when there is an opening. Early enrollment is encouraged. The season schedule is announced every June and enrollment begins the first Monday in July. There is a non-refundable, non-transferable yearly registration fee of $50 per season, per family.
Tuition is calculated based on a 10-month season (Aug-May) and divided into 10 monthly payments. The monthly classes vary depending on holidays, but this does not affect monthly tuition. Tuition is non-refundable but is transferrable on a case by case basis. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. On the 5th of each month, it is considered late and your account will incur a $30 late fee. Tuition can be paid using cash, check or credit card. If a student’s account is not paid by the 10th of each month, the parent must come in and speak with the director in order for the student to continue to attend class. Any student whose account is 30 days past due, will not be permitted to take part in class until their account is in good standing. Any student whose account is more than 60 days past due, forfeits their place in class and will be required to pay all past due tuition and fees and then they can enroll as a new student, if there is a space in their desired class(s).
*Please ask us about setting your account up on Auto draft to avoid unnecessary fees.
NOTE: Tuition is never pro-rated as it includes your costume and end of season pictures. When you enroll you will be charged a costume and picture catch up fee for the months not attended.
There are no refunds, adjustments or credits for missed classes; however, if a similar class is offered at another time the student can attend. Please call the front desk manager to arrange a make-up class. Dress rehearsals are ALWAYS MANDATORY. If a student cannot attend a dress rehearsal, please contact the director ASAP to avoid being removed from the performance.
Private Lessons
Private Lessons are scheduled and agreed upon based on the Innovator and the dancer/parent schedule. When an Innovator has to cancel they will reschedule at another time around the dancers/parent schedule. If the dancer has to reschedule, the Innovator must be notified as soon as possible so a makeup lesson can be planned. If the private lesson is missed/no-show, the missed lesson will not be made up nor refunded. Make every attempt to notify the studio in advance of your dancer missing a private lesson.
Tilt Dance Company will follow Yukon/Mustang School’s calendar. Please check our Facebook, Instagram and website for closings. If the school district closes for weather, we will most likely close. However, we will announce no later than 1pm if we are closed. There will be no makeup classes for weather related closings.
In the event of unforeseen circumstances, emergencies, or government mandated shutdowns there will be no refunds provided for missed classes. If these shutdowns last for longer than two consecutive weeks we will then provide makeup classes. Due to the nature of the closure or shutdown these make-up classes may be provided via an online platform.
Dress Code
Proper dance attire specific to the student’s class is required. This is for many reasons: to allow movement, to prevent injury and so faculty can provide appropriate instruction/correction when needed.
All hair must be pulled back and secured out of the students face.
Jewelry is not permitted, only stud earrings are allowed.
Jeans and street shoes are not allowed.
Specific Class Attire
Ballet: Leotard, Ballet Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes.
Jazz: Solid Color Leo or fitted top, Tan tights, Tan pull on jazz shoes. Jazz pants and shorts are optional
Hip Hop: Solid Color Leo or fitted top, Tan tights, tennis shoes/combat boots are allowed as long as they are a smooth/no marking sole. Outside shoes are not permitted on TDC Dance Floors. Hip hop shoes for TDC Hip Hop classes are all white reebok classics. They can be found online in youth and adult sizes. Also there is a Reebok Store at the OKC outlet mall and they also have them and they are cheaper than they usually are online. Make sure you get the all white with the white sole (not the gum sole) Jazz pants and shorts are optional
Tap: Solid Color Leo or fitted top, Tan tights, Black lace up tap. Jazz pants and shorts are optional
Twirlz & Toez: Ballet: Leotard, Ballet Tights, Pink Ballet Shoes Tap: Leo, tights, Black Buckle Tap Shoes. Skirts and shorts are optional and other leos and tights can be worn.
*Students will be sent out of class if they are not in proper dance attire with correct shoes and their hair is not properly secured out of their face.
Extra Attire
TDC will have gear available for purchase. On occasion a shirt may be mandatory for a performance etc. This will be communicated in advance if an event arises. However, TDC gear will be ordered on a quarterly basis and can be ordered at the front desk at any time.
Every class will perform at some point and will need a costume. Costume fees are included in your monthly tuition. This fee only includes the costume. Tights, accessories and/or shoes are an additional cost. We try our very best to pick out and order costumes that have everything included except tights and shoes. Costume fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Additionally, dancers are not permitted to take their costume home unless their account is in good standing.
Occasionally TDC will have public performances. Generally these performances include our Pre-Professional dancers. On some occasions we may ask a company class to perform. When this happens, there will be sufficient notice.
TDC has one recital per year. Generally it is in late May, early June. This date is set in advance and based on venue availability. Recital Fee is $50 per dancer and includes a recital T-shirt. The Recital fee is non-refundable and not transferrable. Tickets can be purchased if the dancers account is in good standing.
Facility Rules
TDC takes pride in their facility and we hope that every person that enters will respect and take responsibility while in the space. TDC is a closed classroom facility. Under no circumstances should there be any visitors in the classrooms while class is being conducted. Absolutely no gum, candy, food or drinks are allowed in any of the dance rooms at any time. In addition dancers may not bring the following into their classes: jewelry, bags, and/or cell phones. There is a space for belongings to be labeled and stored, please utilize it. Parents please watch your children and do not allow them to play in any open dance rooms.
If your information changes at any time, please update with the front desk.
Respect your instructors, staff, and fellow students.
Everyone please take responsibility for the energy you bring into TDC every day. The TDC directors, Shelby McClure or Stephanie Simon will ask you to remove yourself from the premise if you are spoiling the learning experience of any student. In this technological age we understand, respect and love that our students and parents are active on social media. Please tag us, share our posts and feel free to brag about your child. However, understand that negativity about Tilt, Innovators, Tilt dancers and/or other studios and their faculty and dancers will not be tolerated. Poor sportsmanship is unacceptable and you will be contacted privately by one of our directors if we feel necessary and could be dismissed from Tilt Dance Co.
We want to offer the best possible experience in class and out of class for everyone, please respect that.
Master Classes
Master classes will be offered at TDC. When these are scheduled, there will be sufficient notice and attendance will range in cost of $20-30 per student.
Kids Night Out
KNO is offered from time to time at TDC and anyone enrolled can attend and bring friends/and/or siblings.
The criteria are:
Must at least be 5 years of age to attend
We must have at least 6 students attending to hold the night out
Drop off is at 545-6pm
Pick up begins promptly at 10pm.
If the child is not picked up by 10:15pm, we will charge $5 for every 5 minutes past 10:15pm.
Upon enrollment, all students, guests, and participants of TDC understand the type of event and activity offered. All participants agree to comply with policies and safety regulations contained herein. Tilt Dance Company, the staff and/or faculty are not liable for personal injury or loss and/or damage to personal property of any participant, guest and/or student. Students and/or their legal guardians retain the right to decline participation in any activity. Please inform TDC staff and/or faculty of any physical limitations or disabilities and consult a physician before participating in any activity at Tilt Dance Company. TDC cannot dispense medication of any kind, including Tylenol or any OTC medication.
Tilt Dance Company reserves the right to refuse service and/or admission to any individual. Arguing with instructors, peers, bad-mouthing or lack of respect for the dance company, its members, staff/faculty or the facility is not tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal without refund.
All schedules may change due to enrollment and availability of faculty. Anytime there is a schedule change a TDC representative will contact any and all people involved to communicate the cancellation, rescheduling or combining of classes and rehearsals.
TDC makes every effort to maintain our master calendar on a daily basis. There are times things may have to be rescheduled. We do our very best to communicate this to our students and parents as soon as we know. Please note we try to announce our master schedule every June/July.
TDC staff and faculty strive to provide our students with a joyful dance experience through quality education, training and a healthy atmosphere every day. We want you to feel comfortable and to be a part of our dance family. Please touch base with the front desk with any concerns/issues/comment. If you feel the front desk did not adequately address your issue/concern/comment, the TDC Directors, Shelby McClure and Stephanie Simon are open and willing to meet with you and your student(s). Please note they are also teachers and will not be available to discuss issues in between classes. Please make an appointment via the front desk. Making an appointment is the best way to touch base with either of them and receive the personalized attention you and your student(s) deserve.
Thank you for choosing to be a part of the TDC Dance Family!